EEOC Proposes Changes to Wellness Rules, Business Insurance, ft. Philip R. Voluck
Philip R. Voluck, Esq., Managing Partner at Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, LLP, was quoted in an article written by Matt Dunning for Business Insurance, (November 8, 2015) —
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s proposal to revise genetic nondiscrimination rules has given employers some answers about giving incentives to employees and their spouses for participating in voluntary workplace wellness programs.
However, experts say the proposed changes also show how much work remains for the EEOC to reconcile wellness program rules with other federal laws.
We have a ways to go yet before there are definitive (nondiscrimination) guidelines for wellness programs,” said Philip Voluck, a managing partner at law firm Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck L.L.P. in Pennsylvania.
Other than the clarifications regarding spouses and determining the limitation on incentives, I think it actually injects even more confusion into this whole issue,” Mr. Voluck said.
Read more at the full article.