D&O Insurance Can Shelter Against ESG Risks, Experts Say, Law360, Ivan Dolowich quoted, April 14, 2022
Companies and their directors are working to enhance their environmental, social and governance strategies as regulators propose tougher disclosure rules, but they fail to keep good track of their efforts, insurance experts said at a risk management conference this week. One of the big themes at Risk Management Society Inc.’s annual conference in San Francisco, which ran from Sunday to Wednesday, was how businesses should protect themselves against ESG exposures and make sure they are covered under a directors and officers policy…
“Almost every 10-K these days has some type of ESG-related disclosures,” said Ivan Dolowich, co-managing partner of Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck LLP, who referred to the annual forms that companies file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to give an overview of their financial performance. “Sometimes they go as far as making representations, and that’s important because anyone who signs the form could be personally liable as a director and officer,” he said Tuesday. PLEASE READ FULL ARTICLE AT LINK BELOW
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