“Shooting in the Dark’: New York Issues Guidance on Marijuana and the Workplace: Higher Law- Law.com, Oct. 30, 2021, Taylor Ferris and Aaron Solomon
Law.com’s Higher Law used the headline “Shooting in the Dark’: New York Issues Guidance on Marijuana and the Workplace” to summarize KD’s recently published article by Aaron Solomon and Taylor Ferris. “While marijuana legalization is generally a victory for New Yorkers, the new law “will surely cause a myriad of obstacles for employers,” attorneys for Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck recently wrote in the New York Law Journal.”
Subscribers to Higher Law can read the full article here https://www.law.com/2021/10/29/higher-law-paypal-sued-for-dropping-cbd-seller-weed-in-new-york-workplaces-mofo-assists-on-cannabis-related-ipo-whats-next-for-delta-8-in-texas/
Read more at the full article.