Navigating the Hazard of Rising Violence in Health Care Facilities, published in Reuters Legal News, authors KD attorneys Abbye Alexander, Christopher Tellner, Talya Van Embden, May 17, 2022
While not widely spoken about, the health care industry has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous professions due to the recognized hazard of workplace violence many medical providers face while performing their duties. Due to a looming rise in violence against health care workers, causing severe injuries, many health care employees are demanding federal protections to be put in place as a response.
Please read full article published in Reuters Legal News : Reuters 5-17-22 Navigating the hazard of rising violence in health care facilities – Alexander-Tellner-VanEmbden (002)
Abbye E. Alexander is a partner in Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck’s Orlando office and co-chair of the firm’s Health Care & Managed Care Practice Group. She focuses her practice on issues affecting national and local businesses to include health care professionals, organizations and facilities, including long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers and doctors. She may be reached at
Christopher J. Tellner is a partner and co-chair of Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck’s Orlando’s Health Care & Managed Care Practice Group; he is based in Pennsylvania. He specializes in professional liability defense, including the defense of health care facilities and practitioners; prior to entering the legal profession, he worked as a health care professional. He may be reached at
Talya Van Embden is an associate attorney in the Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck’s Orlando’s Fort Lauderdale office and is a member of the firm’s Health Care & Managed Care Practice Group. She focuses her practice on labor and employment, general liability, and health care and managed care defense. She can be reached at
Read more at the full article.