National Labor Relations Board chair a popular choice with business, Business Insurance, ft. Michael Kaufman
Michael A. Kaufman, Co-managing Partner of Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck LLP, was quoted in a Business Insurance article written by Judy Greenwald on May 2, 2017.
She wrote:
Employer attorneys have high praise for Philip A. Miscimarra, acting chairman of the National Labor Relations Board, who was named permanent chairman by President Donald Trump last week and who, they predict, will move the agency toward more employer-friendly policies.
Any significant change, though, will probably have to await a full complement of five NLRB members. At this point, Mr. Miscimarra, who has served on the board since August 2013 and was named acting chairman by President Trump in January, is the agency’s sole Republican member, with two Democrats also serving as board members. President Trump is expected to fill the board’s two vacancies with Republicans.
Among the issues of concern to employers are NLRB rulings on employee handbooks and the concept of joint employment.
The NLRB’s efforts to prosecute firms for handbook violations “are not only very onerous to the companies, they don’t make sense,” said Michael A. Kaufman, co-managing partner at Kaufman Dolowich Voluck L.L.P. in Woodbury, New York. “They’re looking to make business more complicated for employers.”
“There’s a lot of cases floating around right now” on this issue, said Mr. Kaufman. “You really just need one of these cases for the board to make a decision” that will change the law.
Read more at the full article.