Interactive Training Helps Avoid Sexual Harassment Claims, Dentist’s Money Digest, ft. Keith Gutstein
Keith Gutstein, Esq., Co-managing Partner in the Long Island office of Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, LLP, was quoted in an article written by Ed Rabinowitz for Dentist’s Money Digest on avoiding alleged sexual harassment claims. There are steps a dental practice could take to avoid liability; to avoid legal responsibility for that supervisor’s actions.
Pick any day of the week, log in to CNN online or any other news source, and you’re likely to find a story about alleged sexual harassment. It’s everywhere. And the proliferation of these allegations begs the question, is sexual harassment more prevalent today, or are more people less tolerant and coming forward than they did 15 or 20 years ago?
Keith Gutstein, a partner and co-chair of the labor and employment practice at Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, says it’s essential that the practice maintains an updated policy stating that discrimination and harassment are prohibited, and that there is a clear and easy-to-use complaint procedure making it simple for someone to file an internal complaint. Also, make certain there is a policy against retaliation.
Read more at the full article.