DMWBE: Have a Plan, Long Island Road Warriors
By Erik Ortmann, partner, Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, LLP.
Winter 2017 – Long Island Road Warriors, A publication of the Long Island Contractor’s Association (LICA)
DMWBE (Disadvantaged Minority/Women’s Business Enterprise) is an acronym sure to command your attention. DMWBE procedures and goals are a permanent and demanding part of public contracting requirements and a factor in certain private projects. Under the circumstances, a contractor should have an internal system for DMWBE compliance with roles/responsibilities for its personnel to ensure best practices in key areas such as good faith efforts to procure certified firms, credits and utilization plan submission, ensuring certified firms perform their work and serve a commercially useful function, and communicating with the owner/agency throughout a project as to DMWBE compliance issues and efforts. This article briefly touches on requirements and best practices in key compliance areas.
Read more at the full article.